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About This Website

Employers and students urgently need to learn to network and recruit virtually. Our goal with this website is assist by virtually connecting recruiters, employers, and alumni with featured MIT Mechanical Engineering students who are actively seeking employment for internships and permanent positions.


The students in this website's gallery completed this summer's "Building your Career Portfolio" course, a workshop series that guided students to prepare materials for their upcoming job or internship search. Through interactive workshops, peer reviews, and an alumni portfolio review, students built and refined their resumes, self-introductions, LinkedIn profiles, and project portfolios. 


Students present their skills, interests, and experience to recruiters and alumni in a succinct format. In return, recruiters can efficiently search for job candidates in a centralized location and directly reach out to candidates of interest​. 

About the Student Gallery

The gallery compiles each student's career portfolio into a searchable database. Recruiters can preview students' skills and interests using the keywords on each image. Recruiters may then navigate to an individual student's page to learn more about them. 

About the MIT MechE Alliance

This student gallery and workshop series are sponsored by The MIT MechE Alliance.  The MechE Alliance taps into the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering’s diverse and distinguished community to foster meaningful relationships between students, alumni, and industry and other external partners. 

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139

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